About Me

Hi, I’m Vanessa!

Quantum hypnosis and energy healing has allowed me to express my life’s purpose to serve others, while also deepening my own connection with spirit. Quantum healing allows me to provide a sacred space to bring you deeper connection to your inner self, alignment with your divine path, and healing of body, mind, and soul. I use my own intuitive guidance when working with my clients and I understand each client is unique with their own needs.

I take great care in setting up pure and high vibrations for each client during their session. I partake in my own mindfulness, grounding, clearing and protection practices before and after each session to ensure I am a clear channel of high vibrational energy for my clients. I clear the session space between each client to ensure we are working with fresh energies for each client’s highest good.

In my own spiritual evolution I have come to balance the physical and ethereal and I teach a more grounded approach to spirituality. I have learned the importance of balancing our spiritual pursuits and simply being human. We must show ourselves grace and honor our choice to be here at this pivotal time in the evolution of human consciousness.

I have a background in traditional and alternative medicine with experience working in internal medicine, chiropractic, and acupuncture. This spectrum of views on health helps me to understand my client’s health issues on a deeper level and look at it from all perspectives. I enjoy continued education on alternative, holistic, energetic, nutritional, and supplemental ways to heal the body, mind, and soul.

Please reach out to me if you’d like to work together. I look forward to connecting with you beautiful souls.

Vanessa Arnold
Certified Level 2 Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique Practitioner
Certified Beyond Quantum Healing Practitioner
Certified Soul Speak Practitioner
Certified Level 2 Usui Reiki Practitioner