QHHT & Healing

“Nothing is beyond the realm of possibility. There are no limitations, except the limits of your own imagination.” -Dolores Cannon


The scoop on quantum hypnosis:

Healing the mind and body through hypnosis, heightened focus of the mind, and deep relaxation of the body is a centuries old technique. Using the power of the mind to heal the body, mind, and spirit is using a natural state of the body. Hypnosis and relaxation modalites are safely crafted processes and all that is asked of you is to be in a state of allowance and have an open mind. You are safe and protected throughout the process. During these sessions, you are able to talk candidly and without fears of judgement. Every session is 100% confidential.

Quantum hypnosis is a self healing, heart based technique which allows you to connect with the deepest parts of you that hold the knowing and wisdom within. You will experience what is most relevant and appropriate for your current situation. You may connect with your Higher Self, angels, spirit guides, passed loved ones, the possibilites are endless, During a session, you may ask questions to your higher guidance team to help you navigate your current life situation. The focus of a session is establishing an intuitive, flexible, and energetic approach to your self healing.

Quantum hypnosis uses guided relaxation techniques and intuitive direction to explore your consciousness. A session is alot like listening to a guided meditation and uses various relaxation and visualization techniques to bring you into a more relaxed and receptive state of being. As you lay back and close your eyes, simply focus on my words and use your imagination to see and feel into the things I am saying. Follow my voice and allow yourelf to deeply relax as you enter a daydream like state that is most appropriate for you to see, feel, and experience. You are able to speak and describe your experiences to me as I ask questions and follow the scenes with you. We all naturally visualize without even realizing. When you read a story, you naturally without effort picture the scenes and the characters in your mind. The same thing happens during a guided mediation or hypnosis, you are using your mind’s eye to “see” the images, it is a natural and automatic process. Visualization is NOT a movie playing behind your eyelids. It is what you “see” in your mind’s eye when I say “red bird” or “white picket fence”. During a session you may see, feel, know, hear, and perceive things, and all of these ways of sensing and perceving are valid ways to experience a session. Each client recieves information differently so no two sessions are alike in how they are felt and experienced. Three simple tips for your session would be to say the first thing that comes to mind,  give as much detail as you can, and talk talk talk!

After exploring your consciousness and the most appropriate time and place, we will then invite your Higher Self to come forward with intuitive guidance and answers to your questions. Your Higher Self is the most loving part of you that holds more knowledge and wisdom than your “everyday” self. This part of you is not seperate from you, it is always with you and always guiding you through intuition and “gut” feelings. During a session we are opening that door a bit wider to allow for more connection as you are in a more open and receptive state. All you have to do is trust and say the very first thing. The more you do this, the easier it gets.

During a quantum session, the use of alchemical processes, energy alignments, and intention decrees assist us both in keeping our hearts open and connected for your highest possible timeline. The possibilites of a quantum healing session are limitless.

An important thing to understand about these types of sessions are that you the key to your healing and evolution and you are providing yourself the answers and healing. Quantum hypnosis is a tool to connect deeper to the all knowing part of you to receive clarity and healing. As the practitioner, my role is to guide and support you as I hold space and facilitate this experience for you.  Trust yourself, trust your connection to the Divine, and trust the process.


Each of these modalities are amazing and are very similar. Dolores Cannon created QHHT which is only to be done in person and Candace Craw Goldman created BQH which can be done online. Candace was actually a student of Dolores Cannon and has always been so grateful for Dolores’ gift to the world. Candace was eventually looking for something that offered more flexibilty for clients, especially with the ability to connect with more people via the internet nowadays. Both modalities are great and it’s really about what you prefer as a client. Some clients find online more convenient so they don’t have to travel. Many find it more comfortable and relaxing being in their own home and in their own space as they are being guided into trance. Each person is different and offering both modalities allows me to accommodate my clients needs.

Both QHHT and BQH are structured alike. We will chat for a bit, then you will be gently guided into consciousness exploration and life regression, then we will connect with your inner guidance team for answers to your questions, and after that we will reflect on what you experienced and ground your energy.

Brain wave states & how you experience a session:

All hypnosis is self hypnosis. You naturally oscillate in and out of various brain wave states throughout the day even while driving and watching tv or reading a book. During hypnosis and meditation you are moving through both the alpha and theta states seamlessly. There is no wrong way to experience a session and there is no need to analyze where you are at or how deep you think you are. Each client experiences a session precisely how they need to for their current level of consciousness and their willingness to relax and trust. Allowing your mind and body to relax is key to a profoundly insightful session because the moment you try to figure out if you’re relaxed or deep enough, you will pull yourself out. This type of work is about trusting yourself and surrendering to divine flow. It’s absolutely ok to set intentions and want a deep, insightful, and transformative session….the key is to not have attachment to the outcome. When you let go of resistance you then allow the profound healing and insights to make their way in.

I encourage you to set intentions for your session. Take some time to acknowledge what you’re looking to get out of a session and how you’d like to feel after a session. My intentions for your session are for your highest good and that you have a fun, enlightening, deep, session full of illuminating ephipanies and healing for your body, mind, and soul I give 100% attention and devotion while using my intuition in each session. I also understand and  trust that your Higher Self is providing the experiences that you need at this present time.

Greek Symbol Beta


Wide awake

Fully awake and alert, mind is busy solving problems and tasks, obsessive thinking

Greek Symbol Alpha



Calm mind, inner peace, meditating, daydreaming, enhanced focus

Greek Symbol Theta


Deep meditation

Deep meditation, REM states, profound insight and intuition, feeling one-ness

Greek Symbol Delta



Deep dreamless sleep, extremely deep meditative states, body rest and repairs

So, what’s life regression?

Your soul is eternal. Regression is a method of allowing you to explore the different journeys your soul has taken. Past lives can range from a simple farm life to a grand life as a leader or prominent figure, and everything in between. You can experience anything from elemental beings (trees, rocks, plants, vapor), animal beings, human beings, beings from other planets, and light beings. You have likely experienced being both a male and female throughout your lives.

Every life has a lesson and a purpose. Before you incarnate into each life, you set out a divine plan for yourself, I like to think of it as a blueprint or template. You pick your family members and relationships and many times you will have close karmic relationships and be working things out with those you choose to have in your life. Your blueprint is the foundation and tempate you set for yourself. As a human on this planet, you have free will in your choices, decisions, and actions you take in your life. At times, your choices may steer you off of your blueprint and life path. This is when you may enounter more hardship and suffering. Your Higher Self will attempt to steer you back on track to get on the correct path. It is your responsibility to be present, practice self awareness, and be receptive to the signs and guidance you are being given.

You may have had hundreds of past lives, but during a regression your Higher Self shows you what is most appropriate to bring you the clarity you are seeking. You are shown what will provide you with guidance, understanding, and healing in this life. Sometimes our soul carries a karmic pattern or traumatic experience into this current life. This can manifest as physical or emotional problems in your current life. This can also manifest in forms of repeated patterns such as lack of trust, repeated bad relationships, loneliness, self limiting fears,  ect. Allowing yourself to experience your past lives allows for the healing and transmuting of these issues on a soul level.

You may also regress to a time of your current life that needs healing, closure, or a reminder of a part of you that was more joyful or living in the now moment. Whatever you experience in your session is unique to you and no two sessions are alike. Your Higher Self wants to show you exactly what you need to help you on your current journey.

You are a multidimensional eternal being. You may visit a parallel life on another plane of existence, another planet, another universe, another galaxy. Trust that whatever you experience is for your highest potential.

Who is your Higher Self?

Your Higher Self is the most loving part of you, the complete you, the all knowing part of you, it is the part of you that has not been wounded by judgements or prejudices. It does not view life through murky-colored filters tainted by past experiences such as pain, rejection, and abandonment. It is the part of you that excites you with inspiration, guides you with intuition, and teaches you through insight. It is the part of you with wisdom, infinite knowledge, and all the records of everything that has happened to you in all of your lifetimes. Your Higher Self is always with you every moment of every day, loves you unconditionally, and respects your journey without judgement.

Your Higher Self communicates with you in many differnet ways. A feeling, a knowing, a thought, a sensation, a perception. It may try to send you messages through symptoms or illnesses. Messages can show up as headaches, digestive problems, musculoskeletal problems, ect. The messages get louder and louder the more you ignore them and may eventually manifest into a chronic illness. Your Higher Self is always guiding you through life to help you complete your the divine journey you created for yourself before you incarnated here on Earth. We all get “off track” at times, and our Higher Self is trying to steer us back to what we set out for ourselves.

Let’s talk about healing

Empower yourself….you hold the key to your healing! Your Higher Self is able to identify any physical problems within your body and knows the cause of the problem and whether it is from this current life or a past life. Once an issue is identified, healing is done by your Higher Self if suitable. You are the one with the power to heal yourself because your Higher Self is not seperate from you, it is a part of you.

No healer heals anyone. During your session I set up a vibration for you to access healing and deeper knowings. I know and believe you are capable of self healing and I want you to feel this for youself as deeply as I do. By allowing yourself to trust and believe in your innate power and wisdom, you tap into that vibration and access your ability to heal.

It is important to know that healing can only occur if you awant to be healed. I know that sounds silly, but there are people who are identify with and are attached to their health problems. You must be ready to let go of the idenity of the illness to be able to step into healing. Who would you be without it? How would your life change without that illness?

There are rare instances where a health issue is a lesson that your soul agreed to experience in this life or possibly a karmic contract. Your Higher Self will provide healing if you have learned the lesson or gotten the message it has been trying to send you. It will not heal a physical problem you have created through the lack of care for your body if you have not yet learned the lesson to love and respect your body. For example, your Higher Self will not heal damage done to your liver or kidneys from excessive alcohol use if you plan to go right back to that lifestyle. You must want healing and change for it to happen. You must be ready to accept it, believe it, trust it and whatever happens during your session is exactly what you need and is perfect for YOU.

There are no guarantees, but these are some of the remarkable results Dolores Cannon and her QHHT Practitioners alike have experienced during sessions:

  • Cancer of all types at various stages being cured
  • Cartilage being reconstructed between joints
  • AIDS being cured and eradicated from the body
  • Heart conditions being healed, afterwards surgery is no longer required
  • Deteriorated livers being regenerated and restored to full function
  • Damaged kidneys being regenerated and restored to full function
  • Open flesh wounds being regenerated with no scarring
  • Migraines being explained and their root causes removed
  • 20/20 vision being restored where people no longer need corrective vision
  • Diabetes being cured and the causes for it explained
  • Intestinal problems being cured
  • Lower and middle back problems being cured
  • Neck and shoulder pains being removed
  • Lung associated problems being cured
  • Skin problems

Benefits of quantum healing

  • Trauma resolution & clarity on karmic patterns
  • Clarity, insight, & understanding on any issues you are facing
  • Cut energetic cords that no longer serve your highest potential
  • Overcome self limiting beliefs
  • Greater self awareness, self confidence, & embodiment of most authentic self
  • Clarity on life’s purpose
  • Release fears around death & dying
  • Clarity on life challenges and how to overcome
  • Physical, mental, emotional, & spiritual energetic self healing
  • Clarity on root of addictions & how to overcome
  • Connect with the all knowing, most loving part of you
  • Empower yourself & realize how powerful & connected you truly are

Instant healing vs healing over time

Instant healing is always possible. Most clients find relief or respite right away and if the issue is not completely resolved (after all it’s taken you time to get to where you’re at and it may take time to resolve), there’s always a clear path of action to take to resolve it.

With QHHT, BQH, Soul Speak, or any energy healing, it’s always up to you to continue the healing process by making any necessary changes as recommeded by your Higher Self and/or implementing new practices so that healing continues over time.

An important message from Dolores Cannon about the healing work.